U toku su prijave za upis na Biotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Bihaću! Biotehnički fakultet u Bihaću, osnovan je 1998. godine. Fakultet obavlja naučno istraživačku djelatnost i djelatnost visokog obrazovanja. Nakon završenih studija prvog ciklusa, student stiče zvanje Bachelor-a. Od 2019. Read More …
Autor: Emir Mujić
Emir Mujić, Emir Mujić, Ph.D., Assistant professor;
Defended in 2016 the PhD thesis at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihac. Degree Doctor of Biotechnical Sciences. Author or co-author of 16 scientific research papers, professional papers and books. Participated in several conferences dealing with agriculture, as well as projects and seminars related to the reform of higher education, implementation of the Bologna processes. Experience achieved through the organization of teaching, organization of field and practical teaching / training and research for students, participation in the organization of symposia, conferences and workshops at the University. Project management. Training of agricultural advisors. For several years heads of the agricultural department (1st cycle of study). Currently in the position of Vice-Dean for Scientific Research.
Uputstvo za izvođenje on-line nastave na UNBI
Informacija o prolongiranju ovogodišnje konferencije “5. juni – Svjetski dan zaštite okoliše
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Terenska nastava studenta III godine odsjeka Šumarstvo
Dana 26.12.2019. studenti III godine odsjeka Šumarstvo Biotehničkog fakulteta, boravili su PŠ Ključ su posjeti Rasadniku u izgradnji Točila, zajedno sa predstavnicima PŠ Ključ i predmetnim nastavnikom dr. sc. Mirsadom Ičanovićem. Razlog posjete je terenska nastava iz predmeta Šumske melioracije, Read More …