UNSKO SANSKI KANTON UNIVERZITET U BIHAĆU Na osnovu člana 71. Zakona o visokom obrazovanju- prečišćeni tekst („Sl. glasnik USK“, br. 24/17), i Odluke Vlade Unsko-sanskog kantona, broj: 03-017-1857/2020 od 04.06.2020. godine, Univerzitet u Bihaću objavljuje KONKURS / NATJEČAJ za upis Read More …
Autor: Emir Mujić
Emir Mujić, Emir Mujić, Ph.D., Assistant professor;
Defended in 2016 the PhD thesis at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihac. Degree Doctor of Biotechnical Sciences. Author or co-author of 16 scientific research papers, professional papers and books. Participated in several conferences dealing with agriculture, as well as projects and seminars related to the reform of higher education, implementation of the Bologna processes. Experience achieved through the organization of teaching, organization of field and practical teaching / training and research for students, participation in the organization of symposia, conferences and workshops at the University. Project management. Training of agricultural advisors. For several years heads of the agricultural department (1st cycle of study). Currently in the position of Vice-Dean for Scientific Research.
Gostovanje predstavnika Biotehničkog fakulteta na RTVUSK
Obavijest o odbrani magistarskog rada
Dan planete Zemlje – klimatske promjene i ublažavanje njihovih posljedica
Dan planeta Zemlje ustanovljen je 1970. godine u SAD-u, a širom svijeta službeno se obilježava od 1992. godine kada je tokom Konferencije UN-a o okolišu i razvoju u Rio de Janeiru, na kojoj je sudjelovao velik broj predstavnika vlada i nevladinih organizacija, usklađen Read More …
Prijavite se i rezervišite svoje mjesto za studiranje na Biotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Bihaću