STEPS Erasmus+ MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems
no. 598963-EPP-1-2018-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Duration: 15/01/2019-15/01/2022
more information about the project at:
Copyright © BTF /Erasmus+ MSc STEPS Blog developed and edited by Asoc. Prof. Emir MUJIĆ
Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Financirano sredstvima Europske unije. Izneseni stavovi i mišljenja su stavovi i mišljenja autora i ne moraju se podudarati sa stavovima i mišljenjima Europske unije ili Europske izvršne agencije za obrazovanje i kulturu (EACEA). Ni Europska unija ni EACEA ne mogu se smatrati odgovornima za njih.
Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać is a partner in the consortium of the project “MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS” approved and funded by the European Commission – EACEA, (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency – EU).
Aims and objectives
Implementation of a modern MSc programme on “Sustainable food production systems”, in compliance to the Bologna convention. The MSc Programme will address interdisciplinary and interdependent topics, related to a cost effective, environmentally friendly and socially accepted food production of high quality.
Will be combined in a flexible and modular educational programme
- food cultures and sociology,
- agriculture and rural development,
- food engineering, quality and safety,
- environmental footprints,
- economics, management and governance.
Bosnian language
Biotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Bihaću partner je u konzorciju projekta „MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems/STEPS“ financiranog od strane European Commission – EACEA, (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency – EU). Cilj projekta je razvoj kurikuluma i izgradnja laboratorijskih-infrastrukturnih pretpostavki (Laboratorija za kontrolu kvaliteta hrane i ICT centar za upravljanje sistemima za proizvodnju hrane) za realizaciju studija drugog ciklusa o održivim sistemima proizvodnje hrane. Projekt se, kao i mnogi drugi Erasmus+ projekti, realizuje udruženim naporima nekoliko univerziteta iz zemalja sa područja Zapadnog Balkana (Bosna i Hercegovina, Albanija, Kosovo) i partnerskih univerziteta iz zemalja članica Evropske unije (Grčka, Češka Republika, Rumunija). Kao svoj konačni cilj projekt ima razvoj i operacionalizaciju studija drugog ciklusa u čijem središtu je obrazovanje magistara struke za primjenu principa koncepta održivosti u sistemima proizvodnje hrane.
STEPS Consortium – 11 partners
Program countries (4 PC)
- CULS (P8)-Czech Republic
- USAMVB (P9)-Romania
- TEISTE (P10)-Greece
- ReadLab (P11)-Greece
Partner countries (7 PC)
- AUT (P1)-Albania (coordinator)
- UET (P2)-Albania
- UHZ (P3)-Kosovo
- UC (P4)-Kosovo
- UNBI (P5)-Bosnia & Herzegovina
- UNSA (P6)- Bosnia & Herzegovina
- MESCS USK (P7)- Bosnia & Herzegovina
Development of teaching/learning environment
Detailed argumentation and specification for equipment procurement
The aim is to build the capacity of laboratories of partner countries in terms of:
- ICT-centres equipped with computers, software and relevant infrastructures that will be used for the development/enhancement of teaching/learning environment.
- Advanced measurement instrumentation related to small-scale food processing and most importantly, food quality and control.
- Licenses of advanced software tools used for analysing processes and supply chain scenarios, in terms of supply chain management, energy consumption and environmental impact, and the evaluation of feasibility of basic and alternative scenarios.
Two types of laboratories will be developed:
- Food Quality Control Lab – it will offer the advantage to experimentally specify the quality of agricultural products, by uttilization of mass spectrometry, in particular after small-scale treatment and/or small-scale processing.
- Food Production Systems Management Lab – it will offer to students the opportunity to design and analyse processes, supply chains and evaluate the performance of production systems, in terms of energy consumption, environmental impact and recoup.
The equipment will be used to improve the quality of teaching and the level of knowledge delivered, but it will also increase the potential of the scientific staff so that they are able to prepare and publish research articles in international scientific journals and conferences. These types of laboratories in the partner countries will offer also the opportunity to organise joint programmes with industrial partners or small and medium private sector companies, and national bodies involved in decision-making and the development of policies. Considering the educational content of the STEPS programme in particular, each of the experiments and simulations and training material should include learning outcomes on an experiment/simulation level, a detailed description of the experiment/simulation, guidance and a description of the steps towards the successful implementation of the activity.
Tirana STEPS Kick off meeting
The “Kick-off” meeting was held as two days event in Agricultural University of Tirana, on 18-19 March, 2019. The objectives of this meeting was to present in detail the project aim and objectives, work plan, activities and planning, the allocated budget, draft documents of the Dissemination/exploitation, Strategy and Quality Assurance Plan. Also enabling partnership to establish boards and working groups. The UNBI team was represented by Prof. As. Emir MUJIĆ, Prof. As. Suzana JAHIĆ and Ph.D. As. Jasmina IBRAHIMPAŠIĆ. Furthermore discussion and planning of all other work packages, and to prepare for the next meeting in Bucharest.
Predstavnici Univerziteta u Bihaću u konzorciju projekta STEPS doc. dr. Emir Mujić, prof. dr. Jasmina Ibrahimpašić i prof. dr. Suzana Jahić učestvovali su od 18 do 19. Marta 2019. godine na “Kick-off” sastanku u Tirani. Sastanak je organiziran od strane koordinatora projekta Poljoprivrednog Univerziteta Tirana (Albanija). Na sastanku se razgovaralo o budućim planovima i aktivnostima u projektu, kao i o budžetu, diseminaciji te strategiji i osiguranju kvaliteta.
TV report – promotion of STEPS project
TV promotion of project “MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems/STEPS” project (Erasmus +, Key Action – 2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education). News report on RTVUSK (Cantonal Television)
Promocija projekta Erasmus+ STEPS na kantonalnoj televiziji (DNEVNIK RTVUSK).
Study visit – University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Bucharest, Romania
The study visit was held at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Bucharest, Romania, in the main building of the University Campus and also, at the “Moara Domneasca” Training and Experimental Farm of USAMVB. The event took place on 05-08th of June, 2019, from 09:00 to 18:00 o’clock.
The objectives of this meeting were to present in detail the progress of the project after six months, work plan, activities and planning, the allocated budget for all activities, draft documents of the work packages, deadlines, and to prepare the next meeting in Peje. On the other hand, the meeting was important to provide participants the opportunity to get to know and compare with own experience the strategies and practices for the organization of teachers training initiatives in Romania. UNBI team was represented by Prof. As. Emir MUJIĆ, Prof. As. Suzana JAHIĆ, Ph.D. As. Jasmina IBRAHIMPAŠIĆ and Prof. As. Halid MAKIĆ
U sklopu planiranih aktivnosti i obaveza kroz projekt „MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS“ predstavnici Univerziteta u Bihaću doc. dr. Emir Mujić, prof. dr. Jasmina Ibrahimpašić, prof. dr. Suzana Jahić i prof. dr. Halid Makić obavili su studijsku posjetu University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary, Bukurešt Rumunija. Osim učestvovanja na radnim sastancima vezanim za projektne planove i zadatke svi predstavnici u konzorciju projekta imali su priliku posjetiti i poligone za obuku studenta i eksperimentalne farme navedenog Univerziteta iz Bukurešta.
Meetings of the UNBI STEPS team
In the framework of the “MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS“, UNBI STEPS team regularly holds internal meetings. Activities, plans, challenges, travel are discussed at meetings. So far, 9 meetings have been held in 2019. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Una-Sana Canton (MESCS USK)
U okviru Erasmus+ MSc STEPS projekta članovi UNBI STEPS tima redovno imaju sastanke. Na sastancima se razgovara o aktivnostima, planovima, izazovima, putovanjima. Do sada je održano 9 sastanaka u 2019. Nekim sastancima prisustvovali su i predstavnici Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta Unsko-sanskog kantona (MESCS USK)
UNBI Survey – Online Questionnaire
Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać (UNBI) and Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo (UNSA) organized a Survey (Online Questionnaire) with stakeholders from the field: Policymakers, representatives of public institutions in the area of food production system, agribusiness etc., academics and experts, private sector representatives in the area of food production system, agribusiness etc. Online survey included nearly 80 stakeholders from across BiH. Stakeholder database is Attached
Biotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Bihaću (UNBI) i Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu (UNSA) zajedno su organizirali online anketu sa sa tzv. stakeholderima – kreatorima politike, predstavnicima javnih institucija u oblasti sistema proizvodnje hrane, agrobiznisa, akademskim radnicima, predstavnicima privatnog sektora u području sistema proizvodnje hrane. Online anketa obuhvatila je gotovo 80 stakeholdera iz cijele BiH. Baza podataka svih stakeholdera se nalazi u prilogu
STEPS Peja meeting
The Peja meeting (D3.2a, D8.2c, D10.4.a) was held as three days event in Haxhi Zeka University of Peja, on 11-13 September, 2019. The objectives of this meeting were to present in detail the progress of project WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP8, WP9 and WP10, MSC structure and program proposal, etc. Furthermore, discussion and planning of all other work packages, and to prepare for the next meeting in Sarajevo. On the other hand, the meeting was important to provide participants the opportunity to get open lectures, visit in factories, compare and share experiences, and further discussion for the next scientific staff training initiatives in Sarajevo. The UNBI team was represented by Prof. Ass. Emir Mujić; Prof. Asoc. Husein Vlić; Prof. Asoc. Suzana Jahić; and Prof. Asoc. Jasmina Ibrahimpašić
Kao predstavnici Univerziteta u Bihaću u konzorciju Erasmus+ STEPS projekta doc. dr Emir Mujić, prof. dr. Jasmina Ibrahimpašić, prof. dr. Suzana Jahić i prof. dr. Husein Vilić učestvovali su na trodnevnom sastanku STEPS konzorcija održanom u Peći (Kosovo) od 11-13. septembra 2019 godine. Na sastanku je detaljno predstavljen napredak projekta u WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP8, WP9 i WP10 radnim paketima te struktura i prijedlog studijskog programa II ciklusa studija. Pored toga učesnici su diskutirali i o planiranju i pripremi za sljedeći sastanak u Sarajevu.
In depth interview at UNBI – September 2019
For the purpose of implementing the tasks and activities of the “MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS” project (Erasmus +, Key Action – 2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education) Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać, organized in-depth interviews have been completed with several stakeholders dealing with food sectors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The respondents are represented by a variety of sectors such as: policymakers, representatives of public institutions in the area of food production system and agricultural, academics and experts, private sector representatives in area of food production system, agricultural production and agribusiness. In-depth interviews are organized in collaboration with Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo (UNSA)
U sklopu aktivnosti projekta “MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS” project (Erasmus +, Key Action – 2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education) Nastavnici Biotehničkog fakulteta kao predstavnici UNBI tima u konzorciju projekta organizirali su i proveli opširne intervjue sa nekoliko zainteresiranih strana koje se bave prehrambenim sektorima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ispitanici predstavljaju različite sektori kao što su: kreatori politike, predstavnici javnih institucija u oblasti sistema proizvodnje hrane i poljoprivrede, akademski radnici i stručnjaci, predstavnici privatnog sektora u oblasti sistema proizvodnje hrane, poljoprivredne proizvodnje i agrobiznisa. Opširni i detaljni intervjui organiziraju u saradnji sa Poljoprivredno-prehrambenim fakultetom Univerziteta u Sarajevu (UNSA)
UNBI Roundtables with stakeholders
For the purpose of implementing the tasks and activities and the promotion of the project “MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS” project (Erasmus +, Key Action – 2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education), Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać, organized roundtables with stakeholders. Information sources included the following stakeholders:
- Policymakers;
- Representatives of public institutions in the area of food production system, agribusiness etc .;
- Academics and experts;
- Private sector representatives in the area of food production system, agribusiness etc.
U cilju provođenja zadataka i aktivnosti unutar Erasmus+ projekta “MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS” (Key Action – 2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education), Biotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Bihaću, organizirao je okrugle stolove sa stakeholderima. Učesnici okruglih stolova (stakeholderi) bili su iz sljedećih oblasti: kreatori politike, predstavnici javnih institucija u području sistema proizvodnje hrane, agrobiznisa, akademski radnici i stručnjaci te predstavnici privatnog sektora u oblasti sistema proizvodnje hrane, agrobiznisa itd.
Cluster meeting at the University of Banja Luka
November 2019
As a representative of the STEPS consortium Prof Ass Emir Mujić attended the Cluster meeting held at the University of Banja Luka organized by the National Erasmus Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina (NEO BA). The meeting was held on November 27, 2019. The Cluster meeting gathered representatives of 12 Capacity Building in the field of higher education (CBHE) curriculum development projects involving higher education institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The other stakeholders also took part as representatives of national authorities (Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of the Republika Srpska and Department of Education of the Government of the Brcko District). The event included a presentation of Capacity Building in the field of higher education (CBHE) project, including STEPS. The aim of the Cluster meeting was to assess the impact of the 12 selected CBHE projects on the higher education sector, public and private sector and the society at large, as well as to share experiences and provide some recommendations for the future.
Kao predstavnik konzorcija Erasmus+ STEPS projekta, doc. dr Emir Mujić prisustvovao je sastanku klastera održanom na Univerzitetu u Banja Luci u organizaciji Nacionalnog Erasmus ureda u Bosni i Hercegovini (NEO BA). Sastanak je održan 27. novembra 2019. Sastanak klastera okupio je predstavnike 12 projekata izgradnje kapaciteta u oblasti visokog obrazovanja (CBHE) koji uključuju visokoškolske institucije iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Sastanku su također prisustvovali i predstavnici vlasti (Ministarstvo za naučni i tehnološki razvoj, visoko obrazovanje i informaciono društvo Republike Srpske i Odjel za obrazovanje Vlade Brčko Distrikta). Događaj je obuhvatio prezentaciju projekta Izgradnja kapaciteta u polju visokog obrazovanja (CBHE), uključujući STEPS. Cilj sastanka klastera bio je procijeniti utjecaj 12 odabranih CBHE projekata na sektor visokog obrazovanja, javni i privatni sektor i društvo u cjelini, kao i djeljenje iskustva i davanje preporuka za budućnost.
Sarajevo STEPS Meeting
The Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences of the University of Sarajevo organised third STEPS workshop as part of the Erasmus+ project STEPS – MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems/STEPS. Workshop was held from 11th to 13th December 2019. Representatives of 11 institutions from six countries of the Western Balkan (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo) and EU (Czech Republic, Greece, Romania), members of the Project Consortium, continued to work on the design of MSc STEPS. In addition to the work on creating of programme and defining the syllabus of compulsory and optional modules, the workshop participants visited two companies of BiH food industry – “KLAS” d.d. and “MILKOS” d.d., and Laboratories of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food.
Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu organizirao je treću STEPS radionicu u okviru Erasmus+ projekta MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS. Radionica je održana od 11. do 13. decembra 2019. Tokom radionice predstavnici 11 institucija iz šest zemalja zapadnog Balkana (Bosna i Hercegovina, Albanija i Kosovo) i EU (Češka, Grčka, Rumunija), članice projektnog konzorcija, nastavili su raditi na dizajnu studijskih programa II ciklusa studija MSc STEPS. Osim rada na kreiranju studijskog programa i definisanju curriculuma obaveznih i izbornih modula, učesnici radionice posjetili su prehrambenu industriju – “KLAS” dd i “MILKOS” d.d., te laboratorije Poljoprivredno-prehrambenog fakulteta u Sarajevu.
News on Cantonal TV. Info about MSc STEPS at UNBI
TV report in the daily news of the Cantonal Television (RTVUSK) about the new Study Programme MSc Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS at the University of Bihać
Tv reportaža u Dnevniku kantonalne televizije (RTVUSK) o novom studijskom programu II ciklusa studija “Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane” na Univerzitetu u Bihaću
Promotion of the STEPS project and the new study program via TV live broadcasting
Promotion of “MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS” on cantonal television RTVUSK. Talk about the Erasmus+ project STEPS, and the structure of the study program, student enrollment conditions and other features of the MSc STEPS. The guests are representatives of the University of Bihać, Biotechnical Faculty prof. As. Emir Mujić and prof. Asoc. Husein Vlić
Promocija Erasmus+ STEPS projekta i novog studijskog programa II ciklusa studija “Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane na Biotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Bihaću tokom gostovanja uživo u emisiji “Dnevna doza zabave” na RTVUSK.
Promotional activities STEPS – Meeting and presentation of MSc STEPS to potential students
During the month of September 2020, informative meetings with potential MSc STEPS students were held in the premises of the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać. During the meeting, members of the Erasmu+ STEPS project team, with the support of colleagues from MESCS USK, presented the new MSc STEPS study program, its features and scholarship opportunities.
U prostorijama Biotehničkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Bihaću tokom mjeseca septembra 2020. godine održani su informativni sastanci sa potencijalnim studentima studijsko programa II ciklusa studija “MSc STEPS”. Tokom sastanka, članovi Erasmu+ STEPS projektnog tima, uz podršku uposlenika MONSK USK, predstavili su novi studijski program Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane “MSc STEPS”, njegove karakteristike i mogućnosti stipendiranja.
TV report on MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS ,procurement of equipment and development of two laboratories
TV report on MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS ,procurement of equipment and development of two laboratories “Food Quality Control Lab”and “Food Production Management Lab”at the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Bihać – Co-funded by the Erasmus + program of the European Union.
TV reportaža o pokretanju novog studijskog programa II ciklusa studija “Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane” na Biotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Bihaću i razvoju dvije laboratorije „Laboratorije za kontrolu kvaliteta hrane“ i Laboratorije za upravljanje u sistemima proizvodnje hrane / ICT-Centra“ u okviru Erasmus+ projekta „STEPS / MSc In Sustainable Food Production Systems”
Reception for the first generation of students of the second cycle degree programme (MSc) STEPS
Posted on 19 November 2020
Today, on November 19th 2020, the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Bihać organised a reception for the first generation of students of the second cycle degree programme (MSc) “Sustainable Food Production Systems”. New students will attend the new MSc study program developed through the Erasmus+ project “STEPS/MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems”. Also, the faculty staff organised the education of students to work on the Information System of the Biotechnical Faculty.
Dana 19. novembra 2020. godine organiziran je prijem za prvu generaciju studenta II ciklusa studija odsjeka “Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane” na Biotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Bihaću i obuka za rad fakultetskom informacionom sistemu.
National online STEPS meeting between UNSA and UNBI
Posted on December 2020
Teaching and scientific staff of UNSA and UNBI held an online meeting as part of the regular activities of the Erasmus+ project STEPS on 2nd December, 2020. During the meeting participants discussed about implementation of “INTER-INSTITUTIONAL AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STAFF AND STUDENTS IN THE CONTEXT OF ERASMUS + STEPS SECOND CYCLE STUDY PROGRAM “SUSTAINABLE FOOD PRODUCTION SYSTEMS”. This included a conversation about staff/student exchange during the 1st semester of the study programme, joint mentorship (co-mentorship) on the Master’s Thesis, and committee membership for the Master’s Thesis defence in the frame of the study programme, providing lab and research capacities for research purposes and Master’s Thesis within the study programme and Erasmus+ ICM application (International Credit Mobility)
Nastavno osoblje UNSA i UNBI održali su 02. decembra, 2020. godine online sastanak u sklopu redovnih aktivnosti u sklopu Erasmus+ projekta STEPS. Na sastanu je razgovarano o implementaciji sporazuma o međuinstitucionalnoj saradnji u domenu razmjene nastavnog osoblja i studenata na studijskom programu ii ciklusa studija Erasmus+ STEPS “Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane”. Shodno ovome dogovorene su buduće aktivnosti vezane za: razmjenu nastavnog osoblja/studenta tokom I semestra studijskog programa, zajednička mentorstva (komentorstva) na magistarskim radovima, te članstva u komisijama za odbranu magistarskih radova u okviru spomenutog studijskog programa, ustupanje laboratorijsko-istraživačkih kapaciteta u svrhu istraživanja za potrebe izrade završnih magistarskih radova u okviru navedenog studijskog programa, izdavanje diploma svršenim studentima i aplikaciju na Erasmus+ ICM (International Credit Mobility)
Online Consortium Meeting of the Erasmus+ project STEPS
Posted on December 2020
The online Consortium Meeting of the Erasmus+ project STEPS was held on December 23rd, 2020. As coordinating partner of the consortium, Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT) Albania, invited all project partners to this one day online meeting. The primary objective of the meeting was analysis of project activities during 2020 and Plan activities for the period 2021-2022. The UNBI team was represented by Prof. As. Emir MUJIĆ and Mrs. Alma BOSNIĆ, Expert Adviser for International Relation. MESCS USK (Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Una-Sana Canton) team was represented by Mr. Adnan KRESO and Mrs. Una Redžić.
Online konzorcijski sastanak Erasmus+ CBHE STEPS projekta (Bosnian language)
U organizaciji koordinatora Erasmus+ STEPS projekta 23. decembra 2020. godine održan je konzorcijski sastanak partnerskih institucija. Najznačajnije teme o kojima je razgovarano na sastanku su analiza projektnih aktivnosti tokom 2020, te planiranje budućih zadataka za period 2021 – 2022. godina. Prisustvo online sastanku za predstavnike Univerziteta u Bihaću, doc. dr. Emir Mujić i Alma Bosnić, i predstavnike Ministarstva obrazovanja nauke kulture i sporta Unsko sanskog kantona organizirano je u prostorijama Biotehničkog Fakulteta Univerziteta u Bihaću.
2nd Online Consortium Meeting of the Erasmus+ CBHE project STEPS
Published on February 5, 2021
The online Consortium Meeting of the Erasmus+ project STEPS was held on Friday 5th of February 2021. As coordinating partner of the consortium, Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT) Albania, invited all project partners to this one day online meeting. The meeting discussed issues related to the implementation and summing of the work packages WP2, WP3 and WP4, as well as Current status and Overview of other WPs in progress (WP5, WP6, WP7, WP8, WP9)
The UNBI team was represented by Prof. As. Emir MUJIĆ and Mrs. Alma BOSNIĆ, Expert Adviser for International Relation.
Online konzorcijski sastanak Erasmus+ CBHE STEPS projekta (Bosnian language)
U organizaciji koordinatora Erasmus+ STEPS projekta 05. februara 2021. godine održan je konzorcijski online sastanak partnerskih institucija navedenog projekta. Na jednodnevnom online sastanku razgovarano je o implementaciji i sumiranju aktivnosti unutar radnih paketa WP2, WP3 i WP4, kao i trenutnom statusu i planiranim aktivnostima u predstojećem periodu za otvorene radne pakete WP5, WP6, WP7, WP8, WP9. Univerzitet u Bihaću predstavljali su doc. dr. Emir Mujić Biotehnički fakultet Bihać i Alma Bosnić ispred ureda za NIR i međunarodnu saradnju.
Erasmus+ STEPS 3rd Online Consortium Meeting
As Coordinating partner of the consortium, Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT) Albania organized 3rd Erasmus+ CBHE project STEPS online consortium meeting. Online meeting was held on Friday 19th of February 2021. The participants of the online consortium meeting discussed several important issues connected with organization and planning of online training's, dissemination and exploitation, financial issues, next meetings planning time schedule, and other related issues. UNBI team was represented by Prof. As. Emir MUJIĆ and Mrs. Alma BOSNIĆ, Expert Adviser for International Relation.
Kao koordinator Erasmus+ STEPS projekta Poljoprivredni Univerzitet Tirana (Albanija) organizirao je treći po redu online konzorcijski sastanak. Online sastanak je održan 19. februara 2021. Na sastanku je diskutovano o nekoliko važnih tema kao što su organizacija i planiranje predstojećih online treninga, diseminacija i promocija projekta, financiranje te planiranje budućih sastanaka. Univerzitet u Bihaću predstavljali su doc. dr. Emir Mujić (Biotehnički fakultet) i Alma Bosnić ispred ureda za NIR i međunarodnu saradnju.
STEPS – LMS Platform Training
Posted 27 February 2021
Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT) Albania as the coordinator of the Erasmus+ STEPS project, organized STEPS – LMS Platform Training. This one-day online training was held on February 26, 2021. Training participants had the opportunity to learn about how to develop capacities on the STEPS LMS platform. Also during the training “Guidelines for easy play on platform” was presented. The UNBI team was represented by Prof. As. Emir Mujic.
(bs) Poljoprivredni Univerzitet Tirana (Albanija) kao koordinator Erasmus+ projekta STEPS organizirao je online obuku za rad na razvijenoj STEPS LMS platformi. Ovaj jednodnevni online trening održan je u Petak 26 februara 2021. godine. Učesnici na treningu imali su priliku učiti o razvoju i ažuriranju nastavnih materijala i predmetnih silabusa na ovoj platformi. Također tokom treninga predstavljen je i vodič za rad na LMS STEPS platformi. Kao predstavnik Univerziteta u Bihaću treningu je prisustvovao dr. doc. Emir Mujić.
Professional Development of Scientific Staff within the Erasmus+ STEPS project
Online training:
Fundamentals of food production systems, Sustainable food production systems , Introduction to sustainability
Posted 24 April 2021
As part of the activities of the WP3 Erasmus+ STEPS project an online training in the field of “Fundamentals of food production systems” was held on April 16. 2021. The online training for scientific staff, students, engineers and managers from STEPS Partner Countries was conducted by a professors from the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest (USAMVB). The UNBI STEPS team was represented by Prof. Ass. Emir Mujic and Prof. Asoc. Suzana Jahić.
Kao dio aktivnosti unutar WP3 radnog paketa Erasmus+ STEPS projekta 16. aprila 2021. godine održan je online trening iz oblasti “Osnove održivih sistema proizvodnje hrane”. Online obuku za nastavno osoblje, studente, inžinjere i menadžere iz partnerskih zamalja STEPS projekta održali su profesori sa Poljoprivrednog-veterinarskog Univerziteta u Bukureštu (Ruminija). Treningu su kao članovi UNBI STEPS tima prisustvovali doc. dr Emir Mujić i prof. dr. Suzana Jahić
Professional Development of Scientific Staff within the Erasmus+ STEPS project
Online training:
Low input agriculture
Posted 24 April 2021
In the continuation of the activities of the Professional Development of Scientific Staff within the Erasmus + STEPS project an online training in the in the field of Low input agriculture was held on April 23. 2021. The online training for scientific staff, students, engineers and managers from STEPS Partner Countries was conducted by a professors from the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest (USAMVB).The UNBI STEPS team was represented by Prof. Ass. Emir Mujic, Full Prof. Refik šahinović, Prof. Asoc. Vildana Jogić, Prof. Asoc.Husein Vilić
U nastavku aktivnosti profesionalnog razvoja nastavno-naučnog osoblja u okviru projekta Erasmus + STEPS 23. aprila održan je online trening iz oblasti Poljoprivrede niskog unosa. Online obuku su proveli profesori sa Poljoprivrednog-veterinarskog Univerziteta u Bukureštu (Ruminija). Kao predstavnici Univerziteta u Bihaću i članovi UNBI STEPS tima sastanku su prisustvovali doc. dr. Emir Mujić, prof. dr. Refik Šahinović, prof. dr. Vildana Jogić i prof. dr. Husein Vilić.
Lecture and laboratory exercises during the first semester of the MSc STEPS
Course: Advanced Food Science and Technology
Posted 19 May 2021
Lecture and laboratory exercises during the first semester of the MSc Sustainable Food Production Systems (STEPS) at the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Bihac. Course: Advanced Food Science and Technology. Lecturers: Asst. Prof. Melisa Oraščanin; Asst. Prof. Edina Šertović; Asst. Prof. Mejra Bektašević
Predavanja i laboratorijske vježbi tokom I semestra na II ciklusu studija Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane (STEPS) na Biotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Bihaću. Predmet: DOSTIGNUĆA U NAUCI I TEHNOLOGIJI HRANE. Predmetni nastavnici: doc. dr. Melisa Oraščanin; doc. dr. Edina Šertović; doc. dr. Mejra Bektašević.
Life-cycle Assessment – software-based exercises and projects during the second semester of the MSc Sustainable Food Production Systems (STEPS) at the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Bihac. Introduction to LCA methods; Decision – making in agriculture food chain; Improve competitiveness and environmental performance; Analysing the environmental impacts and resources using LCA software (Asoc. Prof. Emir MUJIĆ)
Monitoring visit to the project Erasmus+ CBHE – MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS
Posted 20 May 2021
For the purpose of continuous monitoring of the Erasmus+ programme, the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of European Commission implements a comprehensive field monitoring policy. In this context, the National Erasmus+ Office in B&H conducted a monitoring visit for the Erasmus+ STEPS project at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać on May 18, 2021. The representatives of the National Erasmus+ office who conducted the monitoring were Suad Muhibić (Head of the National Erasmus+ Office in BiH), Mahira Zonić (Project Officer), and Maša Vinšbah (Assistant). The purpose of the visit was to learn about the activities finalized and products developed so far, as well as to observe if the project has encountered any problems in operational and/or financial implementation. Beside Asst. Prof. Emir Mujić (UNBI) and Full Prof. Sabahudin Bajramović (UNSA), all relevant staff involved in the Erasmus+ STEPS project (academic and administrative), as well as students and laboratory staff attended the meeting. Prof. Luziana Hoxha from Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT) attended the meeting via video conference as a representative of the STEPS Coordinating Institution. At the end of the monitoring visit, representatives of the National Erasmus+ Office in B&H held meeting with the Rector of the University of Bihać, Full Prof. Fadil Islamović. Summarizing information after monitoring visit, the representatives of the National Erasmus+ Office in BiH stated that preparations and activities for the implementation of the project so far are at an high le
Bosnian language
Monitoring projekta Erasmus+ CBHE – MSc Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS
U svrhu kontinuiranog praćenja projekata iz programa Erasmus+, Izvršna agencija za obrazovanje, audiovizualnu djelatnost i kulturu (EACEA) Evropske komisije provodi sveobuhvatnu politiku praćenja na terenu. U tom kontekstu, Nacionalna Erasmus+ kancelarija u Bosni i Hercegovini 18. 05. 2021. godine obavila je monitoring posjetu projektu Erasmus+ CBHE STEPS koji se realizira na Biotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Bihaću. Monitoring navedenog projekta obavljen je od strane Suada Muhibića, direktora Nacionalne Erasmus+ kancelarije u BiH, Mahire Zonić – projektnog službenika i asistentice Maše Vinšbah. Svrha posjete je upoznavanje uposlenika BiH Nacionalne Erasmu+ kancelarije sa trenutno aktuelnim ali i završenim aktivnostima, kao i dobijanje povratnih informacije da li je projekt u toku realizacije naišao na bilo kakve probleme u operativnoj i / ili financijskoj relizaciji. Pored doc. dr. Emira Mujića I prof. dr. Sabahudina Bajramovića sa Univerziteta u Sarajevu sastanku je prisustvovalo i drugo relevantno akademsko i administrativno osoblje uključeno u projekat STEPS, kao i studenti II ciklusa studija “Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane”, te uposlenici laboratorije Biotehničkog fakulteta. Ispred koordinatora projekta, Poljoprivrednog Univerziteta u Tirani (AUT) sastanku je putem video linka prisustvovala prof. Luziana Hoxha. Na kraju monitoringa održan je i planirani sastanak sa rektorom Univerziteta u Bihaću, prof. dr. Fadilom Islamovićem.
Sumirajući informacije nakon monitoring posjete, predstavnici Nacionalne Erasmus+ kancelarije u BiH iskazali su zadovoljstvo dosadašnjim aktivnostima i ostvarenim rezultatima u realizaciji projekta.
Continuous support and improvement of scientific background and teaching capacity of scientific staff within the Erasmus+ STEPS project
Online training:
Sustainable food value chain management; Introduction to supply chain; Sustainable management
Posted 22 May 2021
As part of the WP3 Erasmus+ STEPS project and activities “Continuous support and improvement of scientific background and teaching capacity of scientific staff” online training in the field of “Sustainable food value chain management; Introduction to supply chain; Sustainable management” was held on May 21. 2021.The online training for scientific staff, students, engineers and managers from STEPS Partner Countries was conducted by a Prof. Ass. Giannis Tsoulfas from the Agricultural University Atina (AUA).
U okviru aktivnosti radnog paketa WP3 Erasmus+ CBHE STEPS projekta i kontinuirane podrške i unapređenja nauke, te nastavnog kapaciteta naučnog osoblja u oblasti “Održivo upravljanje lancem vrijednosti hrane; Uvod u lanac opskrbe; Održivo upravljanje” 21. maja 2021. godine održan je online trening za naučno osoblje, studente, inženjere i menadžere iz partnerskih zemalja STEPS projekta. Online obuku održao je doc. dr. Giannis Tsoulfas profesor Poljoprivrednog Univerziteta u Atini (AUA).
Professional Development of Scientific Staff within the Erasmus+ STEPS project
Online training:
Total Quality Management in the Agri-Food Sector and Traceability systems of food products and HACCP system
Posted 05 June 2021
As part of the activities “Professional Development of Scientific Staff” within the CBHE Erasmus + STEPS project an online training in the in the field of Total Quality Management in the Agri-Food Sector and Traceability systems of food products and HACCP system was held on June 04. 2021. The online training for scientific staff, students, engineers and managers from STEPS Partner Countries was provided by University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest (USAMVB).
U okviru aktivnosti “Professional Development of Scientific Staff” CBHE projekta Erasmus+ STEPS , 04. 06. 2021 godine održana je online obuka iz Total Quality Management in the Agri-Food Sector and Traceability systems of food products and HACCP system. Online trening za nastavnike i studente II ciklusa studija studijskog programa STEPS, kao i za inžinjere i menaždere organiziran je od strane Poljoprivredno-veterinarskog Univerziteta u Bukureštu (Rumunija).
Professional Development of Scientific Staff within the Erasmus+ STEPS project
Online training:
Data analysis and decision making
Posted 05 June 2021
For the needs of professional development of scientific staff, students, engineers and managers from STEPS Partner Countries within the CBHE Erasmus+ STEPS project, professor Katerina Marinagi from the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) held an online training in the field of Data analysis and decision making. STEPS WP3 online training via the Microsoft Teams application was held on June 4, 2021.
Za potrebe profesionalnog razvoja naučnog osoblja, studenta, inženjera i menadžeri iz partnerskih zemalja STEPS-a u okviru CBHE Erasmus+ STEPS projekta, profesor Katerina Marinagi sa Poljoprivrednog Univerziteta Atina (AUA) održala je online trening iz oblasti “Data analysis and decision making” analize podataka i donošenja odluka. Online obuka putem Microsoft Teams platforme održana je 04.06. 2021. godine.
Radni sastanak partnera iz Bosne i Hercegovine u Erasmus+ CBHE projektu „MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS“ (no. 598963-EPP-1-2018-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) sa predstavnicima Agencije za razvoj visokog obrazovanja i osiguranje kvaliteta Bosne i Hercegovine
Posted 11 June 2021
On June 11, 2021, a meeting of partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNBI and UNSA) in the Erasmus+ CBHE project “MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS” was held at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać (no. 598963-EPP-1-2018-1- AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) with representatives of the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports (MONSK) of Una – Sana Canton. At the meeting, they discussed the seals related to the accreditation of study programs of the II cycle of studies “Sustainable food production systems” at the University of Sarajevo and the University of Bihać, as well as plans for future activities.
Dana 11.06.2021. godine na Biotehničkoom fakultetu Univerziteta u Bihaću održan je radni sastanak partnera iz Bosne i Hercegovine (UNBI i UNSA) u Erasmus+ CBHE projektu „MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS“ (no. 598963-EPP-1-2018-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) sa predstavnicima Agencije za razvoj visokog obrazovanja i osiguranje kvaliteta Bosne i Hercegovine. Sastanku su također prisustvovali i predstavnici Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta (MONSK) Unsko – sanskog kantona. Na sastanku je razgovarano o pečetnim korecima vezanim za akreditacija studijskih programa II ciklusa studija „Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane“ na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu i Univerzitetu u Bihaću te planovima za buduće aktivnosti.
Professional Development of Scientific Staff within the Erasmus+ STEPS project
Online training:
Energy problems in the present world – Agricultural and food industry waste management
Posted 12 June 2021
As part of the activities “Professional Development of Scientific Staff” within the CBHE Erasmus + STEPS project an online training in the in the field of Agricultural and food industry waste management was held on 11 June 2021.The online training for scientific staff, students, engineers and managers from STEPS Partner Countries was provided by University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest (USAMVB; Prof.PhD. Roman Gheorghe Valentin).
U okviru aktivnosti “Professional Development of Scientific Staff” CBHE projekta Erasmus+ STEPS , 11. 06. 2021 godine održana je online obuka iz oblasti “Agricultural and food industry waste management“. Ovaj online trening za naučno osoblje, studente, inženjere i menadžere iz partnerskih zemalja Erasmus+ STEPS projekta. organiziran je od strane Poljoprivredno-veterinarskog Univerziteta u Bukureštu (Rumunija).
Signing of scholarship agreements for students of the second study cycle “Sustainable food production systems-STEPS”
Posted 16 June 2021
On June 15, 2021, in the premises of the Assembly of Una-Sana Canton, the University of Bihać (UNBI) and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Una-Sana Canton (MONKS) in Bihać organized signing of scholarship agreements for students of the second study cycle “Sustainable food production systems-STEPS” conducted at the Biotechnical Faculty. As partner institutions in the Erasmus+ KA 2 project “MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems (STEPS)“, UNBI and MONKS mutually decided to provide scholarships for all enrolled students in the academic year 2020/2021 in the amount of 600 KM per student. The provided funds are obtained from savings in terms of travel expenses and living expenses during implementation of the Project activities.
Potpisivanje ugovora o stipendiranju studenta II ciklusa studija “Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane-STEPS”
Univerzitet u Bihaću (UNBI) i Ministarstvo obrazovanja nauke kulture i sporta Unsko-sanskog kantona (MONKS) dana 15.06.2021 godine u prostorijama Skupštine Unsko-sanskog kantona u Bihaću organizirali su svečano potpisivanje ugovora o stipendiranju studenta II ciklusa studija “Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane” Biotehničkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Bihaću. Spomenuti ugovori za stipendiranje studenta zasnovani su na učešću Univerziteta u Bihaću i Ministarstva u Erasmus+ KA 2 projektu “MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems (STEPS)”, kao i Sporazuma o jednokratnom stipendiranju studenata master studijskog programa „Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane“, potpisanog između ove dvije institucije. Sredstva za stipendiranje u iznosu od 600 KM po studentu osigurana su iz nastalih ušteda po stavkama putni troškovi i troškovima boravka.
News on Cantonal TV. Info about scholarships for all MSc STEPS students
TV report in the daily news of the Cantonal Television (RTVUSK) about the Agreement on scholarships for all enrolled students in the MSc STEPS studies at the Biotechnical Faculty (UNBI); (from 25 minutes).
TV prilog u dnevnim vijestima Kantonalne televizije (RTVUSK) o stipendiranju svih upisanih studenata na MSc STEPS studije na Biotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Bihaću
Posted 27
November 2021
Bihac STEPS Meeting
University of Bihac (UNBI) Bihac – Bosnia & Herzegovina
22-26 November 2021
University of Bihac (UNBI) hosted a consortium STEPS meeting from 22 to 26 November 2021. Representatives of 11 institutions from six countries of the Western Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo) and the EU (Czech Republic, Greece, Romania) ), members of the Project Consortium discussed, among other things, abouth possibility of establishing a Regional Joint Mastre Degree MSc STEPS program.STEPS meeting was held live with the online presence of a colleague from Greece (ReadLab an AUA).
Univerzitet u Bihaću (UNBI) bio je domaćin sastanka konzorcijuma STEPS od 22. do 26. novembra 2021. godine. Predstavnici 11 institucija iz šest zemalja Zapadnog Balkana (Bosna i Hercegovina, Albanija i Kosovo) i EU (Češka Republika, Grčka, Rumunija) ), članovi Projektnog konzorcijuma razgovarali su između ostalog o mogućnosti uspostavljanja Regional Joint Master Degree MSc STEPS programa. STEPS sastanak je održan uživo uz online prisustvo kolege iz Grčke (ReadLab i AUA)
TV Promotional – News on Federal Television – TV
Posted 27
November 2021
TV report in the daily news on Federal Television – TV about the Bihac STEPS Meeting held at the University of Bihac (UNBI) Bihac – Bosnia & Herzegovina from 22-26 November 2021; (from 27:26 minutes).
STEPS LMS Platform for or the University of Bihać
Posted 13. Decembar 2021
Erasmus + STEPS project – activities related to the study program MSc in Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS, online Training for STEPS LMS Platform was organized on December 10, 2021.
Erasmus+ STEPS projekat – aktivnosti vezane za studijski program MSc iz Sustainable Food Production Systems / STEPS, online Obuka za STEPS LMS platformu organizovana je 10.12.2021.
Pristina Erasmus+ CBHE STEPS Meeting
Posted July 1 2022
Pristina Erasmus+ CBHE STEPS Meeting was held at Universium College (UC), Pristina, Kosovo, from 22-28 May 2022. Among other topics, during the meeting the participants mostly discussed about the Progress of STEPS Study Program in Partner Countries, STEPS – LMS Platform teaching materials; problems, needs for training, and Management Report D10.3 (WP10). Study visits and several Open lectures were also the focus of the meeting. UNBI team was represented by Assoc Prof. Emir MUJIĆ, Assoc Prof. Suzana JAHIĆ, Assoc Prof. Jasmina IBRAHIMPAŠIĆ and Prof. Halid MAKIĆ
Erasmus+ CBHE STEPS sastanak u Prištini (Kosovo) održan je na Univerzitetskom koledžu (UC), od 22-28. maja 2022. Između ostalih tema, tokom sastanka učesnici su uglavnom razgovarali o napretku studijskog programa STEPS na u partnerskim zemljama, zatim o STEPS – LMS platformi u smislu nastavnih materijala – problemi, potrebe za obukom, te o Izvještaju menagmenta – D10.3 (WP10). U fokusu sastanka bile su također i Studijske posjete te nekoliko Open lectures.
Sarajevo Erasmu+ MSc STEPS Meeting
Posted: 17 October 2022.
The second Sarajevo Erasmus+STEPS meeting was held from 10-14 October 2022 at the Faculty of Agriculture and Food, University of Sarajevo. During the meeting, the STEPS project WPs overview, WP Reporting of each partner (activities performed and budget), and Management Report D10.3 (WP10) were presented. Study visits, Workshops, and Open lectures were also organized as part of the agenda.
Sarajevo Erasmus+STEPS sastanak održan je od 10. do 14. oktobra 2022. godine na Poljoprivredno-prehrambenom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Tokom sastanka prezentirani su: pregled WP projekta STEPS, Izvještavanje WP za svakog partnera (izvršene aktivnosti i budžet), te Izvještaj menadžmenta D10.3 (WP10). U okviru dnevnog reda organizovane su i studijske posjete, radionice i Open lectures
Visit of Simone Guerrini, head of the EU regional office in Banja Luka to the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać – presentation of Erasmus+ MSc STEPS
Posted: on November 7, 2022.
As part of the opening of the Center for Adult Education on November 7, the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać had the opportunity to host Simone Guerrini, head of the EU regional office in Banja Luka, EU Delegation to BIH. On this occasion, Simone Guerrini was introduced to the EU-funded project, Erasmus+ CBHE MSc STEPS, as well as the new ICT and laboratory STEPS equipment purchased with this project
U sklopu aktivnosti otvaranja Centar za obrazovanje odraslih 07. novembra Biotehnčki fakultet Univerziteta u Bihaću imao je priliku ugostiti Simone Guerrini, šefa regionalnog ureda EU u Banjoj Luci, Delegacije Eu u BIH. Ovom prilikom Simone Guerrini je upoznat s projektom kojeg financira EU, Erasmus+ CBHE MSc STEPS, kao i nova ICT i laboratorijska STEPS oprema nabavljena preko ovog projekta.
Tirana STEPS Meeting 2022
Posted: 28 November 2022.
The second Tirana STEPS Meeting Agenda was held in Tirana (Albania) from 20th to 26 November 2022. During the meeting, the current statuses of WPs were presented, and the Current situation on the STEPS LMS-platform was especially presented. Also, participants from all partner countries had the opportunity to attend several Laboratory Demonstrations organized at AUT and at the European University of Tirana (UET), Albania.
Drugi Tirana STEPS sastanka održan je u Tirani (Albanija) od 20. do 26. novembra 2022. Tokom sastanka prezentirani su su trenutni statusi WP-a, dok je posebno predstavljen trenutno status STEPS LMS platforme. Takođe, učesnici iz svih partnerskih zemalja imali su priliku da prisustvuju laboratorijskim demonstracijama organizovanih na AUT i na Evropskom Univerzitetu u Tirani (UET).
Visit of professors and students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food in Sarajevo to the Biotechnical Faculty in Bihać
Posted: 26 December, 2022.
As part of activities related to the mobility and exchange of teaching staff and students within the Erasmus+ CBHE Project “MSc STEPS” and the study program of the II cycle of studies Sustainable Food Production Systems on 22.12.2022 the staff of the Biotechnical Faculty and UNBI STEPS team had the opportunity to host professors and students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food of the University of Sarajevo. On that occasion, Prof. Dr. Sabahudin Bajramović from the Department of Macroeconomics of Agriculture and Food Industry and Prof. Dr. Milenko Blesić from the Department of Technology of Food Products of Plant Origin held guest lectures for UNBI students of the 2nd cycle of Sustainable Food Production Systems.The topics of the guest lectures were related to the current state of the agri-food sector in BiH with reference to the achieved level of sustainability and regulatory influences on the sustainability of the food production system (discussion on the topic: EU Strategy “From field to table” within the European Green Plan). In addition, two students from the MSc STES study program at the PPF UNSA in Sarajevo participated in practical and laboratory exercises performed with the new STEPS equipment.
U sklopu aktivnosti vezanih za mobilnost i razmjenu nastavnog osoblja i studenata unutar Erasmus+ CBHE Projekta “MSc STEPS” i studijskog programa II ciklusa studija “Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane” dana 22.12.2022. godine osoblje Biotehničkog fakulteta i UNBI STEPS tim imali su priliku ugostiti profesore i studente Poljoprivredno-prehrambenog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Tom prilikom prof. dr. Sabahudin Bajramović s katadre za makroekonomiku poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije te prof. dr Milenko Blesić s katedre tehnologiju prehrambenih proizvoda biljnog porijekla održali su gostujuća predavanja za studente II ciklusa studija Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane. Pored ovoga dva studenta sa istoimenog studijskog programa MSc STES u PPF-a u Sarajevu imali su priliku učestvovati u praktičnim i laboratorijskim vježbama koje se izvode s novom STEPS opremom.
Initiation of the process of accreditation of the study program of the II cycle of studies Sustainable food production systems at UNBI
Posted: 28 December, 2022.
For the purpose of starting the process of accreditation of the study program MSc Sustainable Food Production Systems implemented at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać, on 27 December 2022, a common meeting was held at the Biotehnical Faculty between the Self-Evaluation Team of this study program, the Representatives of the Quality Assurance Team at the Biotechnical Faculty and a representative of the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the meeting, a draft of the self-evaluation report of the study program MSc STEPS was discussed, which in the final version will be sent to the regular procedure for the accreditation of study programs at the University of Bihać.
Pokretanja procesa akreditacije studijskog programa II ciklusa studija Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane na UNBI
U svrhu pokretanja procesa akreditacije studijskog programa II ciklusa studija Održivi sistemi proizvodnje hrane koje se realizira na Biotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Bihaću dana 27.12.2022. godine u prostorijama Fakulteta održan je radni sastanka između Tima za samoevaluaciju ovog studijskog programa, Predstavnika Tima za osiguranja kvaliteta na Biotehničkom fakultetu i predstavnika Agencije za razvoj visokog obrazovanja i osiguranje kvaliteta Bosne i Hercegovine. Tokom sastanka razmatran je nacrt samoevalucijskog izvještaja studijskog programa Održivi sisitemi proizvodnje hrane koji će u finalnoj verziji biti poslan u propisanu proceduru akreditacije studijski programa na Univerzitetu u Bihaću.